Personal Loans

Having access to money when you need it creates endless possibilities. While many lenders offer a range of personal loans including car loans, travel (or holiday loans) and renovation loans, essentially all personal loans work the same way. You borrow a lump sum off the lender and pay it back over an agreed time frame. A personal loan is the money that you intend to borrow for a period of few years. Personal loans typically range from$50000 to $500,00000. This loan can be used for travelling, buying a car, emergencies or paying unexpected bills. Whatever your need, we are here to assist you.

Our repayment schedule is tailored to suit your needs. Just let us know the amount you would like to borrow & the period you plan to repay it in. As soon as we get all the details & your loan is approved, the cash will be transferred within minutes.

Personal Loans – Repaid Small Installment

Personal loans are for either 3 or 5 years and can be repaid in small installments. You can use your Loanspal personal loan for almost anything you want. You may not use your loan for anything illegal. Other than that, it’s pretty much up to you.

You can get a personal loan, if you are employed (the majority of your income cannot be from
Goverenment benefits) and 18 years or older and a citizen or permanent
resident, currently living in Australia can apply. It’s a fast, efficient, and useful source of funding. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Personal Loans


Personal Loans - Frequently Asked Questions
